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Galleria Nazionale della Puglia "Girolamo e Rosaria Devanna"


The Galleria Nazionale della Puglia “Girolamo e Rosaria Devanna” contains a magnificent collection of works of art ranging from the 16th to the 20th century. The collection is housed in the Palazzo Sylos Calò, a wonderful example of 16th century Bitonto residential architecture.Erected over existing medieval buildings, in 1573 the palazzo was granted on a perpetual lease to Giovanni Alfonso Sylos, a member of the Burgos family which arrived in Apulia in 1503, on condition that he restored it. The work was completed in 1584 with the construction of the elegant loggia overlooking the ancient town’s most important square.Registered as an Italian Heritage Building since 1902, stands on the old via “delli Mercanti” which once connected the main gateway to the town, porta Baresana, to the Cathedral. The building has a main doorway decorated with a pair of medallions with imperial effigies, which leads into the arcaded central courtyard, giving access to various ground floor rooms. Two flights of stairs lead to the first floor, where the various rooms are connected by a large terrace.In July 2004, brother and sister Rosaria and Girolamo Devanna of Bitonto donated an important, valuable collection of paintings to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, with the aim of founding the Galleria Nazionale della Puglia of modern and contemporary art, which was opened to the public in 2009.  The collection comprises 354 paintings and drawings dating from the 16th to the 20th century, built up by Girolamo Devanna through tireless searches on the antique market, exchanges with other collectors, or private purchases. The only connecting theme of this variegated, unpredictable collection is an appreciation of the unexpected and an endless curiosity concerning the different forms of artistic culture, supported by great intuition and an equally impressive knowledge of the history of art. Our Museum contains works by the greatest Italian and foreign figurative artists from the 16C, 17C and 18C, representatives of “secondary trends” which still provide important pointers to alternative approaches, 19C Italian, French, German and English masters and schools, and works by European and American contemporary artists. There are also a large number of fascinating sketches, preliminary studies, models, replicas or antique copies, not but not least the fine collection of drawings by Italian and European artists from the 16th to the 20th century.


via Giandonato Rogadeo, 14
03029 Bitonto


dal giovedì al martedì (ingressi: 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00, 17.00, 18.00); n. max di ingressi per fascia oraria: 15; durata visita: 1 ora

Ph: +39 080 099708
Closure: mercoledì
Full: free admission