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Museo di Palazzo Mansi


Palazzo Mansi, a real Museum-Residence, is a remarkable example of a Luccan merchant’s mansion, tightly related to the peculiar vicissitudes of the local nobility. Between  1686 and 1691, Raffaello Mansi commissioned some renovation works to Luccan architect Raffaello Mazzanti: preexistent tower houses were connected, while the rooms on the first floor were decorated in sumptuous Baroque style and frescoed with allegorical representations alluding to the glory of the family. Further modernization works were carried out by Luigi Mansi in the 18 century. The two wings at right angles to the central nucleus dates back to the nineteenth century, with a single ramp staircase leading to the first floor in a gallery overlooking the garden. The building was sold to the State in 1965 and became a National Museum in 1977.  Were later recovered the original furnishings, frescoes and tapestries on the walls. Interesting are the frescoes on the ceilings of a boardroom. Of note, the Bridal Chamber with the original alcove and fabrics of silk embroidered 700.



via Galli Tassi, 43
55100 Lucca


Il Museo è aperto al pubblico dal martedì al sabato. Ingresso esclusivamente con visite accompagnate alle ore: 12.00; 13.00; 14.00; 15.00; 16.00; 17.00; 18.00.

Ph: +39 0583 55570
Closure: Lunedì, Domenica e festivi
Full: 4,00 € - Cumulative National Museums of Villa Guinigi and Palazzo Mansi: full 6.50 € (valid for three days).
Reduced: 2,00 €. Cumulativo Musei nazionali di Villa Guinigi e Palazzo Mansi: ridotto 3.25 € (valido tre giorni)