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Museo nazionale etrusco "Pompeo Aria"


The National Etruscan Museum "Pompeo Aria" Marzabotto shows the history of the archaeological site which lies in the large surrounding park. The consistency of the remains of the ancient city, which occupied the Pian di Misano and the towering Misanello from the late sixth to the middle of the fourth sec.AC, ensure Marzabotto retains its uniqueness amongst the Etruscan towns. The abandonment ensured the preservation of the urban design in its original form so that we can still walk the ancient streets, winding their way along the dwellings, craft areas and sacred buildings. The most significant artifacts recovered during the excavations are located in the museum linked to the archaeological area. On display in the museum are artifacts which were found in the necropolis (Vases, bronzes, burial symbols, unguentaria) and artifacts from old and new excavations in the area, and in the sanctuary on the acropolis, among which is the exceptional Greek marble head of Kouros. The last room contains two funerary objects, including one with a marble symbol, found in 1969 in the nearby town of Sasso Marconi.


via Porrettana Sud, 13
40043 Marzabotto


Martedì-Giovedì 9.00-16.00; Venerdì-Domenica e festivi 11.00-18.30 (dal 25 marzo al 27 ottobre 2018) Venerdì-Domenica e festivi infrasettimanali 10.30-17.30 (dal 28 ottobre 2018)

Ph: +39 051 932353
Closure: Lunedì
Full: 3,00 €
Reduced: 1,50 €