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Nuraghe e villaggio nuragico La Prisgiona



The Nuragic complex overlooks a large area in Capichera locality. The dimension of the nuraghe, its complexity and architectonical features attest the peculiarity of this site and its importance in this territory. It is a complex nuraghe, and its tholos tipology (with false dome) is rather unusual in the territory of Gallura. It consists of a central tower (mastio) and two side towers englobed in a rampart. The main tower is characterised by a giant lintel (3,20m). The central chamber, with tholos vault and three niches set in the shape of a cross, is 6m high. The rampart is furthermore protected by a curtain wall. This last holds a large courtyard with well, 7m deep and still usable, and a round building, the %u201Cmeeting hut%u201D, where the headmen of the village and important people used to meet. A vase with unusual shape and decoration was found here: it was maybe used for special beverage during rituals and activities inside the meeting hut, in a mix of politics, religion and magic. On the well bottom, the archaeologists found crockery (cups and bowls) used not for water but in special occasions. The ninety huts of the village are all around the nuraghe. The settlement was inhabited between the 14th and the 9th century BC, but there are also some evidences dating from the Imperial Rome age (4th- 5th century AD).


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