Tempietto Malchittu
The Malchittu temple is part of a Nuragic complex (15th-10th century BC), which consists of a big round hut, a nuraghe and a series of sepultures into natural hollows in big granite stones, typical of the Gallura region. It rises on a high ground near the Bucchilargiu river, in the plain of Arzachena. The temple, rectangular in plan with curvilinear walls, consists of a vestibule and a big chamber. It shows the in antis temple typology (a classic temple where the walls of the cella are extended to create a kind of closed portico in the fa
07021 Arzachena
Dalle 9.00 sino ad un’ora prima del tramonto (da aprile ad ottobre)
Ph: 0789-83401/81066
Full: € 3,00
Reduced: € 2,50 (gruppi oltre 20 persone e scolaresche) Ingresso gratuito: diversamente abili e loro accompagnatori