Parco delle incisioni rupestri con Rupe Magna di Grosio
Grosio Rock Engraving Park was created in 1978 in order to develop the rich archaeological, architectural and natural heritage of the "Dosso dei Castelli" area, after the donation of the land and medieval ruins by Marquis M. Pallavicino Mossi Visconti Venosta.
Imponent and silent, the walls of Castello Vecchio di San Faustino (10th - 11th century), with associated church, and of the Visconti's Castello Nuovo (14th century) dominate the hill, which stands at the junction between the river Adda and the stream Roasco, at the beginning of Val Grosina. Nearby rises Rupe Magna, a large rock shaped like a whale's back, which bears more than 5000 engravings (4th - 1st millennium BC).
The Cà del Cap Museum houses an exhibition illustrating the results of archaeological excavations conducted on Dosso dei Castelli and Dosso Giroldo, which were both occupied by Bronze and Iron Age settlements (16th - 2nd/1st century BC).
The park is managed by a consortium of local authorities (Sondrio Provincial Authority, Tirano Mountain Community, Grosio and Grosotto Councils) in close collaboration with the Lombardy Archaeological Superintendency's research and conservation programmes.
Via San Faustino - Ca' del Cap - c/o Castelli Visconti Venosta
23033 Grosio
sab.-dom. 10.30 – 12.30; 13.30 – 17,00 altri giorni: su prenotazione
Ph: 0342847233